Untether from Self-Doubt and Bring in Confidence

Dissolve Subconscious emotions, and Beliefs that Are Keeping You Stuck

Are you feeling depleted from the constant inner struggle of self-doubt?

Putting everyone else's feelings and needs ahead of your own?

Stressed and Overwhelmed over needing everything to be perfect?

• Frozen with fear in moving forward?

• Comparing yourself?

• Second guessing your decisions?

• Wavering confidence?

Are you stuck in a cycle of not moving forward for afraid of making a mistake and second guessing your past choices?

Solar Plexus Chakra Out of Balance

A balance Solar Plexus Chakra allows us to feel authentic confidence and a strong sense of self-worth. It is essentially our power center related to our self-esteem, self-discipline, willpower, and our sense of responsibility.

Etheric Body Holding memories

The etheric body is a duplicate of the physical body. It is the body of memory that holds trauma, oaths, vows, contracts, dense energies, emotions and belief systems. Also known as "Chi" in China, "Ki" in Japan, and "Prana" in India.

Clogged Emotional Body

The emotional body contains our functions of consciousness, assocated with feelings. Our emotional body can hold low frequency emotion, trauma, and can become very clogged.

Cleanse, Clear and Untether from these unconscious emotions and limiting beliefs

. . . energetic healing in the subconscious with Sacred Soul Alignments bunch.

I guide spiritually curious women to release the mental and emotional blocks that keep them stuck so they can discover the unbelievable resources within themselves, ignite their lights, and empower them to building a conscious intentional radiant life.

How I Moved from Surviving and Into Thriving

Many years ago, I was in a different place in my life. Comparing myself with my questionable choices and feeling stuck and not sure of what my own needs were against the expectations of well-meaning friends and family.

I was able to break unhealthy Family Patterns, heal generational wounds & finally free myself to Give & Receive Genuine Love, Joy, Compassion, Trust & More in All areas of my life with Sacred Soul Alignments.

Sacred Soul Alignments changed everything within me.

In 2016, I became a Sacred Soul Alignment™ practitioner and ever since have been sharing the extraordinarily healing arts.

Sacred Soul Alignment™ is a gentle yet extraordinarily powerful healing modality that transcends the boundaries of time and space. These Alignments can rapidly accelerate spiritual expansion while amplifying your manifestation and co-creation abilities to the highest level.

You’ll experience transformations on all levels of your being as you step into your highest potential and become a human expression of the DIVINE.

Sacred Soul Alignments are sacred energies
of pure light and love. The Alignments heal all aspects of who we are – the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual layers of our existence – and they heal all negative experiences of your soul journey across all timelines and dimensions.

Untethering from Self Doubt
Untethering from Self Doubt
Untethering from Self Doubt

What would life feel like when YOU can move forward with confidence?

Debbie understands the individual and collective journey
that guide us to our sovereign and authentic states pulling us to the remembrance of our souls’ blueprint. She creates a safe container that enables people to share their story of awakening, rebirth, and growth with the intention of the right people hearing the messages at the most perfect divine timing. Debbie gets and understands how the journey of the ego can fall out of congruence with the journey of the soul as well as the integration of how both

can be integrated to illuminate oneself and
humanity. - Melissa Renee

Experience the Magic and Power of Sacred Soul Alignments

benefit one

The Sacred Soul Alignment™ healing experience is incredibly quick and easy… all you have to do is close your eyes, listen and receive.

benefit two

The Alignments also raise your overall vibrational frequencies as they heal trauma in your cells and cellular memory, chakras, and nervous system and align your entire energy field with the extremely high vibrational energies of the specific Alignments you receive.

benefit three

There are over 450 Alignments in total and each Alignment is an energetic channel for magical healing intentions to unlock qualities, gifts, abilities, dormant spiritual DNA and cellular natures that exist within each of us. The Alignments activate and awaken these traits so you are able to embody them fully and they align you to the truth of your Divine Sovereign Self.

growth, healing and manifesting methods that go deeper and Last

Everything is Energy


Release outdated oaths, vows, contracts and agreements blocking the creation of your dreams and desires in this reality.


Clear limiting beliefs and replace them with positive, empowering beliefs that let you rise up to your highest potential and experience expansion on the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual layers.


Dissolve dense, low vibrational emotions that are embedded in your DNA, cells, cellular memory, chakras and nervous system so you are free to experience deep joy, abundance, love and so much more


Remember and unlock spiritual knowledge from soul lessons, through other lifetimes and timelines for rapid spiritual evolution and ascension.

Receive all of the benefits of a one-on-one session with the energetic healing recording through time on your own availability and schedule.

and release the doubt . . .


Untethering from Self-Doubt Sacred Soul Alignments

A customized bundle of 24 Sacred Soul Alignments that will immerse you in the beautiful, high vibrational energies to bring you confidence and help you release self-doubt.

Listen to the energetic healing recording around your schedule.

Affordable way to receive the energetic healing without the cost of one-on-one session or coaching packages.

The Alignments work beautifully with any other healing methods or processes you may already be using.

What’s Included

Here are some of the Sacred Soul Alignments in the Untethering from Self-Doubt energetic healing bundle.

Believe In Yourself

Bring in the ability to love, accept, and believe in yourself through the lends of your own Source Connection, at it ultimately brings you back into remembrance of your true divine nature.

Desire, Hope, Belief, Expectation

Clear fear, doubt, resistance and other negative emotions or limiting belief systems that may arise along the way, to speed up the manifesting and co-creation process into the the final stage of physical creation.

Goddess Sophia Alignment

Align you with the energies of Feminine wisdom, creation, understanding and bringing in the experiences of a deeper relationship with Gaia or Mother Earth as you bring forth the divine feminine aspects of yourself and find self-belief, confidence and inner power.


Dissolve the emotions, beliefs, and trauma that is creating the feeling of being frozen and releasing the need to be perfect, to put everyone else's feelings and needs ahead of your own.


Release fear being held in the body, arising emotions, beliefs, and traumas, including those from other lifetimes or timelines.

Gift of Knowledge

Bring in the ability to connect to the truth of your purpose, and to see the future possibilities relating to your path and purpose.

Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra, cleansing the Etheric and Emotional Body and many more . . .

Created Through Individual Session

Untethering from Self Doubt

During previous individual sessions I gathered the most common Sacred Soul Alignments that I was utilizing and pulled together in an energetic healing recording for releasing self-doubt and bringing in confidence.

Untethering from Self-Doubt

Energetic Healing Recording

Untethering from Self Doubt

Today's price = $222


Blessed Love Notes

I am so grateful to work with Deborah. She is intuitive, loving, and a true healer. She tapped into my true self so quickly in our first call that I felt safe to share my concerns with her right away. Working with her gave me a sense of deep peace and understanding of myself and my life. The healing recording continues to open me up to more connection and releasing of old patterns. I am so happy Deborah's in my life, and I get the honor of working with her.

- Linda

Hey ladies, OMG! So I just wanted to shed some light on the amazing diva herself Debbie! I had a super energized, super sparkled, super strong session with her this past Saturday and I left off the call feeling just so lovely and full of happy tingles! I'm so blessed to have crossed paths with her especially at the beginning of my spiritual journey. Thank you so much again!!

- Xanthe

Working with her gave me a sense of deep peace and understanding of myself and my life. The healing recording continues to open me up to more connection and release of old patterns. I am so happy Debbie's in my life and I get the honor of working with her.

- Dee

Would you like to experience the magical and powerful energy healing?

In Their Words . . .

 What they have experienced

I am honored to partner with remarkable women across the globe.

Frequently Asked Questions


How often will I need to listen to the energetic healing recording?


Allow time for listening and integration. Listen to your own intuition on what works best for you. As a guideline you could listen to the energetic healing records 3 to 5 times every few days.


How can I support myself for the energetic healing?


Drinking plenty and extra amount of good quality water. Some magnesium to support your body or a magnesium-based lotion or oil.

I like the magnesium-based lotion developed by Love Energy Nature. It is a small woman-owned business who created an all-natural skincare line made for sensitive skin and packed using sustainable materials.

In addition I use the powered drink Calm.

Using Frankincense essential oil. It is known to offer help relieving chronic stress and anxiety, reducing pain and inflammation, and boosting immunity. Diffuse during listening to the Sacred Soul alignments or meditation for grounding and purpose.


How will I understand what has been released or cleared in the energetic healing?


To understand what has been processed, arose with you, and healed being able to journal each week can be an extremely helpful practice. It can provide insights for your own reflection.

Untethering from Self-Doubt

Energetic Healing Recording

Untethering from Self Doubt

Today's price = $222