
Everything you need to know about medical intuition

Everything You Need to Know About Medical Intuition

October 18, 20233 min read

Where Western medicine fails, medical intuition picks up by find the mental and emotional causes for your physical ailments.

- Amy Leigh Mercree

how body whisperers with medical intuition could help you

Everything You Need to Know About Medical Intuition

How body whisperers with medical intuition could help you

The Benefits of Alternative Health and Healing

Emotional struggles impact far more than just the mental realm. When we don’t process traumatic experiences, they live within us, and the toxic vibrations seep into our organs. That’s why holistic healing is vital — it recognizes the intrinsic connections between mind and body when overcoming trauma and the emotions that come with it.

 Are you ready to take control of your mental and physical well-being? Keep reading for guidance on how to process the trauma stored in the body.

Everything You Need To Know About Medical Intuition

What is a Medical Medium?

A medical medium is someone with the capacity to go inside bodies and complete scans. Through this, they can identify the crux of an issue by seeing things that a doctor cannot. Otherwise known as a body whisperer or a medical intuitive, a medical medium sees things the average person cannot.


The Body Scan Process

Through our conversation with Jamie Joi, she highlights how much of a gift her ability to see into bodies is. Every session fills her with joy and amazement, as she knows this process is her calling in life. Few have the gift of seeing into bodies, but those who do often feel called to use it to support healing.

Alternative Diagnosis

Doctors can often misdiagnose an illness which slows the healing process. This is where the unique skills of a medical medium come in. By entering your body and identifying the exact source of your physical ailments, doctors can offer the right treatment to support healing as fast as possible.

Healing Chronic Illness

Although medical mediums may have a myriad of testimonials and success stories, few would claim to heal chronic illness. Medical intuition is not the same as a degree in medicine, so it is important to try complementary and alternative medicine alongside conventional forms of healing.

Vibrational Frequencies

The core of this form of healing is that we are all made up of vibrational frequencies. Far too many people hold on to dense, negative energies that hold them down and block them from success when the truth is we are meant to be light and space. Letting go of other people's projections and ideas will free you.

Connecting With Our Bodies

 By reconnecting with our bodies, physically detrimental habits become obvious, encouraging healing from within. Instead of trying to connect down into the ground, center yourself in your body, and invite the Earth in. This simple switch welcomes a healing reconnection with the Earth, the Universe, and everything in between.


If you are curious about the topic, tune in to the full episode on Light Up Your Worth for an insight into the mind of a medical medium, Jamie Joi Crystal and myself, Debbie McAllister

Are you ready to make the leap into your own spiritual healing and personal development? It’s easy to experience your energetic healing by visiting our Light Up Your Worth home page.

self improvement podcastsspirituality podcastsmedical intuitionwhat is a medical mediumalternative health and healingbody whispererhealing chronic illness
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Debbie McAllister

Debbie McAllister is a Breakthrough Catalyst Coach, and Light Up Your Worth podcast host. She is also a fur baby mom, once a single momma to an empty nester of a son who continues to inspire her, a spiritual diva, and a mid-life resilient woman who did not give up on herself until she discovered her own worth and self-acceptance after five decades of struggle and found peace. She bravely learned to connect to her own worth and to trust that her superpower was to shine a light for other women to be seen and heard. This is where she found her purpose - coaching other women to get unstuck.

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Debbie's Connecting to your Money workshop was a great way to become more aware of your money stories and how they developed.

She created a safe space for us to get vulnerable and share our childhood stories and experiences around money.

The energy healing at the end was beautiful and a great way to release the money beliefs that no longer serve us.

- Sandra

I wanted to say I did a Sacred Soul Alignment and Clearing with Debbie recently and I not only felt like she picked up on a few specific things going on with me but I felt much lighter and more positive after our session.

Also, I had just recently injured my foot before the session but actually felt like after the session I had way less pain in my foot. I highly recommend her!

- Jessica

I had an amazing session yesterday with Debbie. She is a kind, beautiful soul that took me on a much-needed healing heart session.

She is a Reiki Master and along with the Sacred Soul Alignments that she chose to help with the healing from what my soul needed to heal but also after she listened to me very empathetically to the things I want to work on and where it was making me feel stuck.

During the mediation and the powerful healing, I could feel how things that needed to be let go of were leaving and I have a recording that I can listen to again and again and continue to heal.

I am grateful for our session together and for your healing powers that worked like magic and will continue to help me step up to what I am to be, the best version of me.

She also shared that she has a podcast and go ahead and check it out. I did and the episodes are full of what your soul would need to hear.

Thank you for being you and continue doing what you are doing because the world needs you.

- Cristina