Episode 14 - Guest Rachelle Marquez

Pop Culture and Spirituality

Letting go of the past must be done to live in the now. As adults, we often find it hard to let go of what we think we need to do or be to survive in this world. Sometimes this means losing sight of joy and peace from when you were a child and what made you feel safe then. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Join Light Up Your Worth podcast host Debbie McAllister and her guest integrative Wellness Life Coach Rachelle Marquez as they chat about the influence of pop media and spirituality and how to reconnect with your inner child and heal the self-survival mechanisms that keep you from enjoying life.  

Fully certified as an Integrative Wellness Life Coach, an Akashic Records Practitioner of the Ascension Alchemy Method, Certified Happiness Coach, Certified Meditation Coach & Facilitator, Certified Life Purpose Coach, and Certified Career Coach, I’ve been successfully coaching clients to get unstuck and find balance and direction in their lives. I am a self-proclaimed Disney life coach, light-worker, and energy alchemist who provides magical transformations on a soul level to overwhelm people who are used to taking care of everyone else, dropping the guilt, and pursuing a life beyond their wildest dreams so they can enjoy their own happily ever after.

Coaching Program: Dreams Do Come True Coaching Program: From Struggling Mom to Happily Ever After  

How to have it all without sacrificing family time (or sleep!) and create a life you love free of shame, guilt, and fear of failure. Behind the smile, I see the sadness, the struggle. There's a yearning in those eyes for something more. But then guilt creeps in so you've stuffed your dreams into a little box and hid them away. It's easier to survive when you pretend like they don't exist. So why is it so hard to admit to yourself that you do want more?  

Energy Alchemy Sessions: Alchemy is transformation. As an energy alchemist, I help transform your energy. Through soul book readings, (also known as the Akashic records or book of life) we find out who you are, who you're meant to be, clear out old energy that no longer serves you, and create a deeper bond with your intuition. In short, I use my magic to help you find the magic in your life. I provide magical transformations on an energetic and soul level. I help you clear the blocks that are holding you back so you can achieve what your soul is crying out for. Inner Child Alignment: This four-week journey into yourself will help you find, heal, and be aligned with your inner child; awakening your curiosity, sparking your imagination, and growing your dreams. This program is a mix of coaching, healing, and energy alchemy to get you aligned with your inner child and on the road to achieving your dreams.  


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The Light Up Your Worth Podcast

About your host, Debbie:

Debbie McAllister is a Breakthrough Catalyst Coach and the Light Up Your Worth podcast host.

Debbie guides female entrepreneurs to release the financial mental & emotional blocks that keep them stuck so they can discover the unbelievable resources within themselves, ignite their light, and step into their own worth.

She offers recorded energetic healing meditations to clear out the limiting subconscious beliefs, and self-sabotage patterns, & release negative habits, interrupt generational trauma, and lovingly guides you through the process of stepping into your own worth.

To reach Debbie:

Free Ignite Your Inner Sparkle! Energetic healing to heal wounds and limiting beliefs to reconnect with your inner sparkle! https://www.lightupyourworth/home.net

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I AM Worthy $77

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