Episode 19 - Guest Debbie Bodine

Emotions, Muscles & Pendulums

Yoga is a practice that guides women to reclaim their bodies, minds, and spirits, allowing them to be present with themselves in a way that helps them see their life and its purpose with clarity. It is a practice that will enable women to connect with their inner selves on physical and emotional levels through meditation, deep breathing exercises, and visualization techniques. Join Light Up Your Worth podcast host Debbie McAllister and her guest, Soul Coach, Debbie Bodine as they discuss learning how to listen within ourselves, to discover that there are no rules but those we create ourselves.  

Debbie Bodine is a Soul Coach, Meditation Specialist and Yoga Teacher. She helps women find the deeper truth and meaning in life by reconnecting them to the forgotten aspects of themselves so they can live the true nature of their souls.  

Debbie shares her spiritual journey. From a very young age I knew I was different than others; I was even different from my parents. I was a loner, I had very few friends and felt completely misunderstood.  

I also knew I had the ability to “sense” and “see” things that other’s could not. The unexplainable.  

My journey to break away from traditional religion and delve into a more loving and supportive spiritual path began when I was around 20 when a psychic told me I needed to tune into my gifts. Although my mind didn’t know what she meant, my soul completely understood.   I purchased my first tarot deck, completely on the down low because that was considered tabu, and began reading cards.  

It wasn’t until I found Yoga, around the age of 40 that my connection to Spirit/Source began to blossom. The Yoga path was truly the awakening for my soul and I began to have a much greater understanding of the world beyond the physical. Those inner yearnings finally began to make sense and when I could no longer quiet that little voice inside myself, I started to become the person that my soul needed me to be.   Debbie has a 5 week meditation series to “Meet Your Spirit Guides”. This is a progressive course in which one meditation feeds off of the previous; taking you on a journey to not only meet your Spirit Guides, but to discover the essence of your Soul.


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Coming Soon!

To reach Debbie Bodine:

The Light Up Your Worth Podcast

About your host, Debbie:

Debbie McAllister is a Breakthrough Catalyst Coach and the Light Up Your Worth podcast host.

Debbie guides female entrepreneurs to release the financial mental & emotional blocks that keep them stuck so they can discover the unbelievable resources within themselves, ignite their light, and step into their own worth.

She offers recorded energetic healing meditations to clear out the limiting subconscious beliefs, and self-sabotage patterns, & release negative habits, interrupt generational trauma, and lovingly guides you through the process of stepping into your own worth.

To reach Debbie:

Free Ignite Your Inner Sparkle! Energetic healing to heal wounds and limiting beliefs to reconnect with your inner sparkle! https://www.lightupyourworth/home.net

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