Episode 22 - Guest Serena Rodriquez

Silver Lining All the Way

Our lives are often so busy it's easy to forget to play. We, as women, can sometimes get so caught up in survival mode that we forget to reconnect with our energy and bring back our femininity. We need to go inside ourselves and deal with places within our energy field that might be blocked or holding onto negativity. Join Debbie Allister and Serena Rodriquez as they chat through navigating the 3-D and quantum worlds to reconnect with your life outside of survival mode.  

Serena is an impassioned multi-preneur from Puerto Rico. She became a single mom at a young age and embraced entrepreneurship as a means to create a schedule that allowed her to be present for her daughter. Through that journey, she discovered many tools for mindfulness, self-care, personal development, and transformation. After over 15 years of creating her own freedom lifestyle, she wanted to support others in doing the same. She currently coaches entrepreneurial women through the process of discovering and embracing their passions to create a profitable business from home that supports the lifestyle they long to live.


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To reach Serena Rodriquez:

The Light Up Your Worth Podcast

About your host, Debbie:

Debbie McAllister is a Breakthrough Catalyst Coach and the Light Up Your Worth podcast host.

Debbie guides female entrepreneurs to release the financial mental & emotional blocks that keep them stuck so they can discover the unbelievable resources within themselves, ignite their light, and step into their own worth.

She offers recorded energetic healing meditations to clear out the limiting subconscious beliefs, and self-sabotage patterns, & release negative habits, interrupt generational trauma, and lovingly guides you through the process of stepping into your own worth.

To reach Debbie:

Free Ignite Your Inner Sparkle! Energetic healing to heal wounds and limiting beliefs to reconnect with your inner sparkle! https://www.lightupyourworth/home.net

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I AM Harmony $7.77

I AM Acceptance $22.27

I AM Confidence $47

I AM Worthy $77

Learn more and join at https://www.patreon.com/lightupyourworth

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