Episode 91 - guest Rachelle Lapham

The Physic Detective

Some believe there is an afterlife, and some may not. It’s not about trying to convince someone to be a believer but to help people cope and deal with the loss of their loved ones, showing them that even though they are not physically here with us, they are still all around us in spirit. In this Light Up Your Worth episode host Debbie McAllister, and psychic medium, Rachelle Lapham dive into what is a twin flame, how we can connect with others from the other side and the work she is doing to help bring comfort and peace from the passing of their loved ones.

Rachelle is an ordained minister professional psychic/medium/clairvoyant/healer / Psychic detective/ and podcast host The Psychic Sleuth, author, and dog lover. Throughout the last 9 and a half years she has aided in helping people to get through their grief with heart-to-heart connections from the other side. She also helps people with guidance for their lives and sometimes predictions. Her passion and what she loves to do is true crime and working to give the voiceless a voice on what may have happened to them and where their physical body may be. She is an author of a book on Amazon called R&R love - twin flame story about her twin flame experience that brings spiritual insight to the more negative things in life while bringing comfort and proof that are loved ones are safe and at peace on the other side even if mistakes were made.


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The Light Up Your Worth Podcast

About your host, Debbie:

Debbie McAllister is a Breakthrough Catalyst Coach and the Light Up Your Worth podcast host.

Debbie guides female entrepreneurs to release the financial mental & emotional blocks that keep them stuck so they can discover the unbelievable resources within themselves, ignite their light, and step into their own worth.

She offers recorded energetic healing meditations to clear out the limiting subconscious beliefs, and self-sabotage patterns, & release negative habits, interrupt generational trauma, and lovingly guides you through the process of stepping into your own worth.

To reach Debbie:

Free Ignite Your Inner Sparkle! Energetic healing to heal wounds and limiting beliefs to reconnect with your inner sparkle! https://www.lightupyourworth/home.net

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